Sunday, December 27, 2009

why blog

I never understood why people blogged. It was like having your dear diary entries posted on the web. The very few blogs that I've ever read about were always so personal, so intense, that I felt I was invading into someone's private space.  I'm not sure how comfortable I was with the idea that all these people will be privy to my mind. I always found it easier to call friends and let them into my inner mind space. But I am finding it harder and harder to sort the junk in my mind into coherent thought. These days I think all the time and sometimes I shock myself at how beautiful those thoughts are. I think this blog is going to be my little secret. So for whoever wishes to tread and read will know me for only what I thought about and for nothing else. This will be my external vent. Where I can be brutally honest about everything and everyone.  I too like so many others felt that I had some great talent, a flair to write, to make people laugh. So with my "you gotta try everything once motto" here I go.