Wednesday, December 4, 2013


So since I was last out and about in the dating world. A LOT HAS CHANGED.

Game changer no.1- WHATS APP
Video killed the radio star and what’s app killed the phone conversation.
Now, talking on the phone indicates that some new level of intimacy has been reached. If you have graduated from texting to talking then you either found a keeper OR the many hours of laborious texting finally bore fruit.

Game changer no. 2 – FACEBOOK
Now I know your thinking facebook has been around for a while. But it really hasn’t we had Orkut and some other nonsense. But nothing was or shall ever be as all encompassing as fb.
Just to put it into some context, my 13year old cousin is on fb and she said to me weren’t you on fb when you were my age. And I realized that there was no fb when I was her age. In that instant, I felt really old. 

Anyway the point is that these days you can find out everything you need to know about a person on fb. (or so I used to think) I used to live under the lofty assumption that everyone like me is as open about their lives on fb as I am.
This means three things
1>  If I am in a relationship – its on fb -just so that people know
2>  If I am not in a relationship – its on fb - just so that people know
3>  If I went somewhere, did something or ate anything that was even half interesting then – its on fb - just so that people know

So yeah my life is really an open book on facebook and I presumed that everyone else was just like me but so horribly wrong was I. And how terribly my little bubble was about to burst.